Today is an important day for the christian family and for the church.being a day of great importance wherein the catholic church has granted for us a day to venerate those saints that are close to God's own heart.
let's think of the saints in a more simple manner they are the messengers who take our request to God's court in fast and effective manner and oversee that our necessary needs are met. The advantage with saints is that they have more appeal and favor in God's presence such that it is easier for them to voice our needs than us trying to voice our own needs. By venerating saints we open ourselves to the practice of those virtues that they themselves practiced in their life and thus fill our life with the same goodness and love that they themselves experienced in their life.
In a world that runs about money and self profit and commercialism and where the goodness and morals are fast disappearing the saints stand today as outstanding examples of human life and challenge us to look on life with a lot of simplicity and goodness and to practice christian values and virtues.